Trade name: Uranyl Hydroxide
Formula: UO2(OH)2
Application of the substance and the preparation: Laboratory chemicals.
IBI Labs
3495 N. Dixie Hwy. Unit # 8
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Tel: 561-826-0061 Fax: 561-892-8450
Emergency Telephone Numbers
USA & Canada contact number: 1-800-535-5053
International contact number: 1-352-323-3500
- Formula: UO2(OH)2 or (UO2)2(OH)2
- Molecular Formula: H2O4U
- Molecular Weight: 304.04
- Description: Orange-yellow crystals.
- Density, g/cm³: 5.73-6.73 g/cm³
- Reactions: Teratogenic and radioactive, should be handled with the appropriate care
Uranyl Hydroxide Is precipitated as a colloidal yellowcake from oxidized uranium liquors near neutral pH.
- Keep in a cool, dry, dark location, in a tightly sealed container or cylinder.
- Keep away from incompatible materials, ignition sources, and untrained individuals.
- Secure and label area.
- Protect containers and cylinders from physical damage.
- All chemicals should be considered hazardous.
- Avoid direct physical contact.
- Use appropriate, approved safety equipment.
- Untrained individuals should not handle this chemical or its container.
- Handling should occur in a chemical fume hood.
Protection: Wear appropriate protective gloves, clothing, and goggles.
Respirators: Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Small spills and leaks:
- Do not touch damaged packages or spilled material.
- Cover liquid spill with sand, earth, or other noncombustible absorbent material.
- Cover powder spill with a plastic sheet or tarp to minimize spreading.
- Contact the radiation safety officer.
The presence of radioactive material will not influence the fire control processes and should not influence the selection of techniques.
- Small fires: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray, or regular foam.
- Large fires: Water spray, fog (flooding amounts).
Fire potential: May burn but does not ignite readily.
Exposure Effects
Ingestion, skin, and eyes: See inhalation.
- There is minimal risk if the packaging remains intact.
- Package damage can result in a measurable release of radiation, but the risk is still low.
Exposure Controls
General protective and hygienic measures:
- Keep away from foodstuffs, beverages, and feed.
- Immediately remove all soiled and contaminated clothing.
- Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work.
- Store protective clothing separately.
- Avoid contact with the eyes.
- Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.
Breathing equipment:
- In case of brief exposure or low pollution use a respiratory filter device.
- In case of intensive or longer exposure use a respiratory protective device independent of circulating air.
At any detectable concentration: Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode.
Any supplied-air respirator with a full facepiece operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode or other positive-pressure mode with an auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode.
Escape – any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator with a high-efficiency particulate filler.
Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus.
Protection of hands:
- Protective gloves: The glove material must be impermeable and resistant to the product, the substance, and the preparation. Due to missing tests, no recommendation for the glove material can be given for the product, the preparation, and the chemical mixture. Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times, rates of diffusion, and the degradation
- Material of gloves: The selection of suitable gloves depends on the material and further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
- Penetration time of glove material: The exact break-through time must be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and must be observed.
Eye protection: Tightly sealed goggles
Firefighting and Other Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health Conditions
Use any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece respirator and a high-efficiency particulate filter.
Use any supplied-air respirator with a full facepiece operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode or other positive-pressure modes with an auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure-demand or other positive-pressure modes.
First Aid
General information:
- Immediately remove any clothing soiled by the product.
- Symptoms of poisoning may even occur after several hours.
- Therefore, medical observation for 48 hours after the accident.
- Remove the breathing apparatus only after contaminated clothing has been completely removed.
- In case of irregular breathing or respiratory arrest provide artificial respiration
Skin and eyes:
- Immediately flush with running water for at least 20 minutes.
- See Ingestion.
- Apply artificial respiration if the patient is not breathing.
- Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult.
- See Ingestion.
- Medical problems take priority over radiological concerns.
- Use first aid treatment according to the nature of the injury.
- Do not delay the care and transport of a seriously injured person.
- Must not be disposed of together with household garbage.
- Do not allow the product to reach the sewage system.
Uncleaned Packaging:
Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.
Recommended cleansing agent: Water, if necessary, with cleansing agents.
UN Number: 2909
Response guide: 161
Hazard Class: 7
Packing Group:
The classification of substances with multiple hazards must be determined following the criteria presented in the regulations mentioned above. Due to the various quantities and combinations of materials being shipped at one time, the information above must be determined based on the characteristics of the specific shipment.
Copyright 2014 IBI Labs. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only.
IBI Labs requires that those who receive their materials comply with 29 CFR 1910.1200(h), which mandates that employers provide employees with effective information and training about hazardous chemicals in their workplace.
The contents of this document are believed to be accurate as of the date of revision and are provided in good faith. However, it is recommended that recipients use this information as supplementary and exercise caution and judgment regarding its accuracy and suitability. Please note that IBI Labs cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that occurs because of using the information provided in this Safety Data Sheet.
IBI Labs makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This information is provided without warranty, and any use of the product that does not conform to this Safety Data Sheet, or that is used in combination with any other product or process, is the user’s responsibility.
Revision Date: 05/08/2024